Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?

When I was in parochial school, I had the best 1st and 2nd grade teachers you could ever want. As a matter of fact, I secretly wanted to marry my 2nd grade teacher. She was pretty, she was kind, she was smart, and I was in love with her. Well as much as a 7 yr. old could be.
Then came the 3rd grade. 
I had landed myself in the classroom of the (rumored) most meanest, most nastiest, most evil teacher in the whole school. 
She wasn’t pretty, at least not as pretty as my 2nd grade teacher, and forget about my 1st grade teacher, she was a nun and wasn’t supposed to be pretty. 
She wasn’t nice. She ruled the classroom with an iron fist and a yard stick as sturdy as a 2 x 4. She had fiery-red hair and the temper to go along with it. All of that was enough to set fear in the hearts of everyone in her class. 
I wanted to go back to the 2nd grade were the lessons were easy the the teacher was pretty! 
Looking back on that time in my life, once I got to know her, and pressed through all of the false rumors and perceptions of her, I learned so, so much. Much more than the 1st grade, and much more than the 2nd. As a matter of fact, she was one of the best educators I ever had.
Often our circumstances might not be very kind, and they might be harsh on the eyes and mind, but the education we receive from them prepare us and propel us toward the next level. For me it was the 4th grade, for you it might be more responsibility, a promotion, buying a house, starting a family or launching a business.
You’ll never grow by avoiding the process and as a matter of fact, by avoiding it, you may have to repeat it. God doesn’t always allow us to understand the how’s and why’s of the path we are on, he just requires that we trust him and stay on the path. 
Keep pushing for greatness! 

Keep climbing that mountain in front of you!

Never be afraid of the circumstances! 

Stay committed to the classroom you’re in!
They are the fuel to where you are going.
God is with you, the best is yet to come.
…and God bless Mrs. Patterson!

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