What’s your pain level on a scale of 1-10?

Pain is often the most misunderstood feature of the body. Simply put; pain is our body’s way of communicating something is wrong, and without certain forms of pain, we would likely die.

For instance, hunger pain reminds us we need to eat, or we could starve. Cold communicates we need to cover our skin, or we could suffer frostbite. A pain internally means we should probably see a doctor.

However, often we practice pain-management, rather than getting to the bottom of what is wrong. We treat symptoms rather than the actual problem.

Friends, pain is one of God’s way, and usually the most effective way, of getting us to make changes.

If you’re in pain today, ask God to show you what the problem is and how to address it. The pain you’re experiencing could actually be trying to save your life.

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